Introduction :
Hey guys in this blog we gonna know about Coffee Origin . It is the second most-drank drink in the world, after water. In the same way, coffee is one of the 100 essential goods traded around the world. This kind of business coffee comes in bags. This kind of bag has 60 kg of coffee beans in it. We call this a copy pack. According to the International Coffee Organization, nearly 10.6 million bags of coffee were traded in July 2021. The funny thing about this is that coffee, which many people are now forced to work for, used to be a sign of slavery.
It comes from a plant. It is called coffee in scientific terms. Even though coffee is a broad term, we primarily use coffee arabica and coffee canephora, two coffee types. We make coffee out of it by roasting and grinding the nuts from the cherubs that grow on this coffee plant. Before we find out who first roasted, ground, and made coffee from this coffee bean, let’s look at a famous story about it. A young goatherd named Kaldi saw one of his goats jump higher than it should have for its age.
Kaldi watched and tried to figure out why this goat was jumping this way and noticed that it bounced up and down excitedly when eating fruit. He took the fruit and ate it right away. Then got up and started moving, dancing with the goat. When Kaldi got to that side, the preacher asked him why he was dancing. He said that I was dancing because I was eating these fruits. Right away, the preacher bought and gave away those fruits. The preacher couldn’t sleep after eating those fruits.
Coffee Origin :
This preacher preached all night long and kept his followers up. He told the disciples to grind these fruits and eat them so they wouldn’t fall asleep. In the same way, it is said that coffee spread around the world after a saint named Umar found out that he was roasting coffee beans by accident. Even though these are stories, if you try to figure out how coffee was first found, you can find a lot of biological history in them. Ethiopia, in Africa, is where coffee was first discovered. It is a magical drink that people drink. Ethiopia is where coffee comes from.
The Aroma tribe, which might live in Ethiopia, made coffee fruits for their gods. Before dancing the Sami, their preachers would only do so after eating the coffee fruits and leaves. The Garri tribe has done a religious ceremony called Bun Qalle, in which coffee beans are mixed with milk and drunk. History shows that this Ethiopian tribe has been involved with coffee for a long time. In his book The Devil’s Cup, St. Wart Lee Allen writes about the history of coffee. Ethiopians bite the coffee beans and coffee fruits to eat them.
The coffee is then made by roasting and grinding the coffee beans. Coffee got to Yemen through the people of Ethiopia, who knew a lot about it. The slave trade is to blame. In the 800s AD, the Arabs took over Ethiopia and sold the tribes there to the Middle East. A few Ethiopians brought to the Arab world as enslaved people brought coffee beans with them. This is how coffee got to the Arab world.
where the word “coffee” comes from :
At the same time, Islam said it was wrong to drink alcohol. When coffee could be used instead of alcohol, they started celebrating with coffee. A slave tribe called the Oroma sent a boy named Sappu to India, where he was made an essential king. His name is Malik Amber.Malik Amber was brought as an enslaved person as well. Only after that did he become a king. Islam started to accept coffee, mainly after Sufi Islam taught monks that it wasn’t wrong to drink coffee.
The Arabic language is where the word “coffee” comes from. The Arabic word for coffee is Qahwa. Before, this qahwa was used to drink wine. It now serves coffee instead. Qahwa means “to go against.” I can’t eat after having a glass of wine. Food could be more friendly. In the same way, drinking coffee can make you sleepless. So, the Arabs called coffee Qahwa, the word for wine.
In Ethiopia, however, where coffee was first found, it is called Buna. Poona means nut. In the same way, the name of a kingdom in Ethiopia was Kefa. People say most Arabs’ coffee beans left the country through Kefa. That’s why people say that kefa became coffee. When coffee started to spread in the Middle East, it wasn’t just made in people’s homes. Some shops only made coffee. The first coffee shop in the world was in the holy city of Mecca. It is called Qahveh Khaneh.
Pope Clement VIII :
If you look at books about coffee written in English, almost all are about the devil’s cup. When the coffee came to Europe for the first time, people called it Satan’s drink. The Christians are to blame. At that time, Christianity was growing in Europe, and Muslims drank coffee. So, they gave it that name to make it sound like a drink that was against their god.
Not only that but there were also many wars between Muslim countries and European countries with more Christians. So, they keep using this name. People say the Europeans may have taken the coffee beans from the soldiers they captured during the war.
Some Christians who have tasted coffee like this are so shocked that they can’t get over it. However, the biggest problem then became Pope Clement VIII. Then Pope Clement VIII tried the coffee for himself. This drink from hell tastes excellent. So let’s christen it. He said that anyone could drink it because it would be holy. Then, coffee spread all over Europe. Hayir Bey, the governor of Mecca at the time, saw many people gathering in coffee shops in 1511 AD. He feared a revolution would start against him, so he banned coffee altogether.
Europe Opens Coffee Shop :
This rule was only lifted by Sultan Salim I in 1524. People have also gotten together at coffee shops. This is where people talked about many things, like business and politics. In the same way, a lot of important decisions have been made. Because of this, there were a lot of political changes in Europe.
When Europeans opened coffee shops, India began to get coffee. A Muslim named Baba Budan went on a pilgrimage to Mecca in the 16th century AD. He took another sip of his coffee. It had great taste. He thought that we could grow these coffee beans back in our town. At that time, the Arabs had stopped letting other countries send coffee seeds to them. So, he hid seven coffee seeds in his beard and took them to India. So, he came to Chikmangalore in Karnataka and planted seven seeds. It was because of these seven seeds that coffee was grown in India. Even now, the hill is still called Baba Butan Giri in his honor.
After that, wherever the British had a colony, they planted coffee and took it. On the other hand, coffee was grown in Central America. The Portuguese wanted to take the coffee seeds made this way to Brazil so they could grow coffee there.
Which Country Produces More Coffee ?
Francisco de Melo, an officer, went there to do this, but the governor there would keep the Portuguese from taking the coffee seeds. But Francisco’s beauty made the governor’s wife fall in love with him. When Francisco left at the end of the trip, the wife of the French governor gave him a bunch of flowers.
That bag was hiding coffee seeds. Francis Co. planted those seeds in Brazil after taking them. Brazil is the country that makes the most coffee in the world right now. In the same way, the Dutch stole coffee seeds from Yemen and grew them on the island of Java in Indonesia.