Pigeon – The Origin

A Short Intro :

Pigeons are a type of bird that can lay and hatch eggs. The name for the family of pigeons is Columbidae. There are 344 different pigeon species in this family. 13 types of pigeons no longer exist. Before science, it could take weeks or months for news from one part of the world to reach another. Pigeons were used to send information to change this situation. In this post, we’ll look at where these birds came from. Tamil Nadu’s state bird is the Emerald Pigeon. Malabar is mostly found in areas of Pakistan. In Tamil Nadu, you can find green emerald pigeons . The biggest pigeons are called “pigeons,” and the smallest ones are called “doves.” Even though pigeon has two names in English, it has only one name in many other languages.

There are two kinds of pigeons that no longer exist. One such animal is the passenger pigeon. Why do we call them “passenger pigeons”? In French, they say “passing bye” for this. The name “passenger pigeon” comes from the fact that it is a pigeon that flies above. The passenger pigeon is no longer alive in the United States. Why did it become extinct? Because Americans liked the taste of it so much, they hunted, ate, and killed it. The dodo pigeon comes next. This kind of pigeon only lived on the island of Mauritius. This is a type of animal that used to fly but stopped and now lives on the ground. When the Portuguese took over Mauritius later, they brought strange animals with them. Because of these creatures, this type of pigeon became extinct.

Name origin and Their food :

People think that this type of pigeon first appeared between 145 and 66 million years ago. The word “pigeon” comes from this French word. Pigeons lay six eggs each year. lays two eggs each time. Both boy and girl eggs are laid at the same time. Chicks hatch after twenty to twenty-five days. They get their food from a liquid that comes out of their stomachs, not from food that comes from the outside. Pigeons that eat this food as babies can fly within five weeks. People and pigeons have lived together on Earth for a very long time.

The Mesopotamians used to think of the dove as the god of love. The Indus Valley Civilization, so the story goes, left behind proof that they fed and worshipped pigeons. The Greeks and Romans held the pigeon in high regard. The pigeon is also talked about in the writings of the Sangha. At that point, they learned how to use Dudu Khana, which was the first pigeon in history to send messages without wires. When the first governments were set up, pigeons were used to send messages. During the First World War, pigeons were used to send messages. During the First World War, Ciyer Ami was found. He was a hero pigeon. Brits who lived in the United States fought in France. At the time, the soldiers were stuck in France. At the time, the German attack was pretty strong.

Stone As Food !! :

They sent pigeons back to their country to let them know that we were stuck there and needed help. The Germans killed every single bird. This last close friend sent a message. This dove was also blinded in one eye by a German bullet. It was shot in the chest. The pigeon also lost one of its legs. Still, he went back to his country to save 200 bloody soldiers who were stuck there. All the doctors who were there fought for and saved that pigeon, which helped save the lives of several troops. The pigeon was then brought to America and given a medal. The body of the pigeon is still at the War Museum, which is still open.

Pigeons eat a lot of different seeds and legumes. Some pigeons do eat stones. Pigeons don’t have any teeth. People think that it uses these stones in its esophagus to grind up the legumes it eats.These stones are also eaten by birds other than pigeons.

News about the pigeon Race :

Even the biggest companies in the world use pigeons to deliver messages. After that, people still used pigeons to send messages, but only until they learned about telegrams. The last time the police used pigeon messenger was in Orissa. In Orissa, the police department has a special section for pigeon messengers. This department has been running for about 60 years.806 pigeons were able to do this. This department has only ever been closed once, in 2006. Then, pigeons flew from the communication department to the sports department. Homer Pigeon Racing Pigeons These pigeons are very good at getting back to their nests. Because of this, they are called Homer Pigeons.

There are pigeon races. These kinds of pigeons are fed healthy food from the time they are young. They fly in the morning and evening, and if they get sick, a doctor takes care of them. Also, there are vaccinations given every year. On the fifth day after they hatch, these homer pigeons are taken to the racing club, where a tag is put on their leg. It says the year, the number of the piece, and the name of the club. Chicks are tagged five days after they are born. After that, the leg will grow, making it impossible to place. The tag is used to tell which pigeon belongs to which person.

Hawks And Eagle Hunt

There are pigeon races that go 100 km, 200 km, 300 km, and even 500 km. When they are set free this way, the pigeons get to their destination within the time they were given. A story says that if a race is 200 kilometers away, the pigeons will get there in two and a half hours. The big unknown is whether or not all of the pigeons set free for the race will come together. Pigeons couldn’t get there because hawks and eagles hunt in the area. It is said that some pigeons will come even three months later.

Life Span  :

Pigeons live for about six to ten years. People can get diseases like scabies from pigeon Shits. Some people also say that pigeons can spread diseases such as asthma. it is said. People think that the first pigeons lived in caves in the mountains. It means that pigeons still build their nests in tall buildings today. Peace isn’t the only thing the dove stands for. It also stands for the idea of freedom. People think that the first pigeons lived in caves in the mountains. It means that pigeons still build their nests on top of tall buildings today.

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