The Origin of Tea

The Origin of Tea:

In this blog we gonna know about the origin of tea  . After water, tea is the beverage that people drink most nowadays. The history of addiction is intertwined with that of tea. Chinese scientists created this tea water. We are all dependent on the tea. Therefore, tea is a crucial beverage for humans. The definition of tea is tea. “Da cha” is the name of tea in Chinese. So, da changed into tea. Tea is made from tea leaves. As a result, it is called tea since tea produces water. Sai Chaya is another name for the letter Cha, which stands for tea. According to legend, tea was first produced in China during the Cheng dynasty, which lasted from 1600 to 1046 BC. Likewise, tea was regarded as a therapeutic beverage. However, it’s believed that the Chinese had a link to tea long before then.

During Shah Dina stein’s reign :

The farmer god Chennong, an ancient Chinese deity, was handed down orally down the centuries as proof of this. The therapeutic benefits of tea are reportedly mentioned in the third-century AD text, Ben Kam Singh. Tea played a significant part in Shah Dina stein’s reign, which is regarded as the “Golden Age” of the seventh century AD. Tea gained popularity during this time, not just for medical reasons but also for general use. Following then, other tea plantations were created across China. A work called Chai Ching, written by the Chinese author Lu Yu in the same century is devoted solely to tea. It is a book that is totally about tea.

He has provided a thorough explanation of both the growing and brewing of tea. Tea was accorded such a high status that it has persisted to the present day, and even after it was introduced to Japan from China in the ninth century AD, it quickly gained a high status there When tea arrived in Tibet from China in the ninth century AD, people utilized it as currency in addition to a beverage.
Additionally, they prepare tea extremely differently. The Chinese and the Japanese have been drinking green tea since ancient times. It doesn’t have milk or sugar in it.
After then, in the 16th century, black tea began to advance. Particularly among those who resided on the west side of the Great Wall of China, this tradition first took root. This is described by Roy Moxham in the book A Fried History of Tea.

During Sangam Era:

The Chinese started to adopt the tradition of drinking tea out of porcelain cups without handles in the 16th century. Although we and the Chinese have been drinking this tea since the Sangam era, they were not the first ones to introduce it to us. I have no idea why. Unbeknownst to us, they had kept the tea concealed and provided it solely to the Japanese victims of the tragedy, but despite being maintained in this way, the Europeans arrived after taking a whiff. Europeans were initially exposed to tea by the Portuguese. 1610 The Portuguese colonists in China introduced it. As a result, tea arrived there after traversing the sea and overcoming several obstacles. Only kings and the affluent drank tea since it was an extremely valuable item.

The flavor of tea

The flavor of tea initially captivated the Portuguese. The French then began sampling tea. But back then, it was the British who were ignorant of the aroma of tea. The year when tea was introduced to the British people was historically an intriguing one. King Charles II of England married Catherine of Braganza, the daughter of King John IV of Portugal.

The year when tea was introduced to the British people was historically an intriguing one. King Charles II of England married Catherine of Braganza, the daughter of King John IV of Portugal.
They collected various valuables as dowry at the time, including bags of tea because they shared our addiction to the beverage. Because they were tea addicts like us, they took numerous bundles of tea from rich kings at the time. In actuality, more than any other European nation, England had the richest population, which issued slave charters for tea.

The British, who, like the Chinese, only drank black tea, abruptly introduced sugar. Black tea has a unique flavor. The British went to China right away for tea. Tons of tea from China was once stolen by the East India Company for the British. They initially purchased tea at auction.


British Government’s Demand :

On the other hand, the British government levied a levy after realizing there was a significant demand for tea. As a result, tea’s price reached its highest point in England.
In the middle of the 17th century, a half-kilo of tea cost three pounds. A worker in England at the time received three pounds a week. So it is obvious how octagonal the tea was.
Doctors often recommend tea as a medication in addition to a beverage. As a result, tea also reached the middle class. As a result, tea consumption is growing. The cost of tea itself didn’t go down, either. As a result, the tea was tainted and marketed as fake. To adulterate it, they took previously used and discarded tea, dried it, combined it with fresh tea, and began selling it. To make it seem nice, they mixed in colorful powders.

Conclusion :

Adulteration was defeated by Englishmen. He reasoned that brewing the tea in milk would be preferable. Cheap milk was readily accessible. They also discovered that super tea may be made by using less tea powder and some sugar. Tea from Assam woods was used to slake England’s thirst. In addition, the East India Company began searching for locations where tea might be cultivated. Because they desired tea for their nation, the British cut down our trees and planted tea. This is how tea became popular around the world. Tea originated in China and is now widely consumed across the world.

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